A downloadable game

Treasure Maze is a print and play fantasy board game designed for families and friends, with a recommended player number of four people. The game pushes players to immerse themselves in a jungle-like maze, with a series of cards that will direct the flow of the game. 

Required assets: 

  • A dice (preferably 6 sided)
  • Printed asset sheets provided
  • Paper & pen to keep tally of HP/dmg if needed

The player begins by selecting a character from the 6 options given and a number between 1-6. The players will then roll a dice; this will determine who plants the treasure for this round (e.g, the player who chose the number 4 may plant the treasure only if the dice lands on 4). From here the players can each select an entry point to the maze from 6 options, and the player on the left side of the player who chose the treasure may go first. The game moves in a clockwise direction. 

During each player's turn they must roll a dice to determine how many steps forward they may take. Each step is equal to one grid on the board, and they may move forward, backwards or turn left and right. With the end goal being to reach the treasure, players may strategically move throughout the maze to avoid debuffs/obstacles and dead-ends. If the player rolls the numbers 5 or 6 they may draw from the deck of buff and debuff cards.   

These cards are designed to aid the player or deter them from reaching the treasure, and may instruct the players to take a few steps back, stay still for one turn, deal damage to an opponent or stun an opponent. Damage taken by players is tallied and will deplete their health (10 HP). If a player reaches 0 HP they are disqualified for the round. Buff and debuff cards may only be used once per turn, and discarded afterwards. Buff cards may also grant players the ability to ‘block’ another player’s path using an obstacle, lasting up to two rounds. If players run out of cards they may reshuffle the deck with discarded cards. 

Players may encounter ‘portals’ on their path to the treasure; these portals are color sorted, and players must move to the corresponding portal. Players may use these portals strategically, and portals cannot be moved throughout the game.

 An additional mode is available for playing, where the deck of buff and debuff cards is limited to debuffs only. 

The game ends once a player reaches the treasure; all players must retreat and begin a new round following the ruleset. 

Published 17 days ago
CategoryPhysical game
Tags11689, 2023, 2024, Print & Play, uc


Board Asset (Print 1) 8.7 MB
Card Asset (Print 1 for every player) 2.2 MB
Card Asset Two (Print 1 only) 2.2 MB
Character and assets (Print 1 only) 419 kB

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